Step 1: Change Password

Take a moment to decide what your new password will be. 
The new password may not contain your username, and it may not be similar to the previous password.
It must contain at least 6 characters and must contain at least contain THREE of the following criteria:

- At least 1 capital letter

- At least 1 lowercase letter

- At least 1 number

- At least 1 punctuation mark


   Open Internet Explorer and browse to


Scroll down the page to the FIRST TIME section.

Click on Step 1: Change Password

Enter your username into the User Name box.

Enter your current password into the Old Password box.

Enter your new password into the New Password AND Confirm New Password boxes.  

Click the "Change Password" button.

If your new password is acceptable, you will see a message stating that the change was successful.


Step 2: Access Email

Return to and click on Step 2: Access Email

Enter your username and NEW password.

Your email should appear.


Step 3: Access Applications

Return to and click on Step 3: Access Applications

Enter your username like this:  lodgingit\username

Enter your password.

You will see the applications that are assigned to you. 

You may single click on any icon to launch the corresponding application.


If you need assistance, please call the Help Desk at 407-658-1300










Configure Email on Phone/Tablet

Besides your username, password and email address, the following information may be needed.

account type: Exchange Server
domain: Lodgingit
Use SSL: Enabled